Wonderland 2021


Curated by Ayune Namur in collaboration with Lisa Balasso and Xheni Kapllani

Selected artists: Céu D’Ellia, Alexandre Luiz Segrégio, Cleber Oliveira, Giuseppe Prinetti, U-ku, Fernanda Volkmann, Vanessa Sprio.
Photographer: Sarah Alessio, Flora MC, Massimo Porcelli
Designers: Su Kroker, Marco Picciali
Studio S. Eufemia artists: Laura Lo Verso and Alberto Lo Verso

The association Arte e Design Venezia presents the Wonderland exhibition. Wonderland celebrates the fantastic in all its forms, unites the alternatives of our existence, perpetuates parallel worlds created by each artist, focuses on the detail and beauty of being as if we were using a macro lens. Through the works, the artists present different versions of themselves and the world. In fact, the surroundings are only a matter of perspective and everything is set to change. Stephen King, in his book “It” writes “You could start from a path that leads nowhere more fantastic than from your house steps to the sidewalk, and from there I could go … well, anywhere“. The fantastic is not a subversion, it is a way of understanding existence and learning to merge into the vast perplexity about whether there is anything to be experienced while experiencing it. Wonderland could be understood as a fantastic field of interpretation, a layered system of sensations, a domain of creation where everything becomes meaningful and fabulous in its particularity.

18/08/2021 – 02/09/2021
Gallery ADmore in cooperation with Studio S. Eufemia
Giudecca 597  – Venice
10am – 6pm   Free entry